AzAR-private - Learning German at Home


Language students use AzAR for learning German at home.

Innovative feedback technologies provide optimum support in language learning and accent reduction.

The user learns with success and appreciates:

  • objective evaluation of the achieved training level and of German pronunciation problems;
  • high fun factor due to the interactive functions of the training tool;
  • teaching materials that have been carefully selected by experts;
  • comprehensive tutorials as an introduction into linguistics and the AzAR technologies;
  • free access to web-based resources

View the AzAR demo videos to get introduced to AzAR.


The license package AzAR-private contained

  • the AzAR pronunciation trainer including a comprehensive tutorial (approximately 840 word pairs and nearly 500 sentences)
  • the learning unit Phonetics Theater for German a a foreign language (more than 1640 word pairs and sentences)
  • the learning unit Speech Training emphasizing German for native speakers of slavonic languages

    A total of 8600 words for training!

System requirements

  • operating system windows XP, Vista, 7, 8
  • processor: 1GHz
  • RAM: 512 MB
  • harddisc: 8 GB
  • headset

Please note that the sale of AzAR private was stopped at the end of 2020.